Vegetable garden

The aim of it is to supply the hotel with aromatic spices, edible flowers, vegetables and specialties produced to please the guest in every dish that is served at La Posta Restaurant. Everything is produced ecologically and making resources more efficient: drip irrigation, fertilizing with a compound made in the hotel, rotation and association of crops, use of ecological means for the treatment of infestation. The greenhouse was built with old windows recycled from the hotel. It is to be committed with sustainability.

Flower stroll

In this place, strategically located so that the guest could go after breakfast, cut flowers are produced for all the vases in the hotel, from the reception up to coffee breaks in convention centers. These are species especially well adapted to the Patagonian climate and it is used to show the guest something about the gardening in this place. The first European immigrants introduced them.

Swimming plot project

Watching the complexity of maintaining a lake of 180 square meters in an economic way from the hydric and energetic resources, a sustainable scenic project was developed.

Two species were chosen to be used in this plot: lavenders, exotic plants of great rusticity and well adapted to the climate of this place with little hydric and nutritional requirements, and stipas and thatches that are native species. Both of them have low incidence of infestations and diseases. 

It is beautiful to see these plants “dancing with the Patagonian wind”.

Space of waste sorting

The waste generated in the hotel is kept in containers signalized for that purpose in adequate conditions of hygiene and security to give it to institutions or companies where it can be reused or recycled.

Quality and Sustainable Management Policy

The board of directors of the corporation 5M Patagonia owner of Los Alamos Hotel and Inn set up the following objectives:
  • The full achievement of our guests guaranteeing the quality of the services rendered. 
  • The satisfaction of their needs and the self-improvement of their expectations taking over permanently the level of fulfillment.
  • The commitment of the principles of Sustainable Tourism approval, legal requirements are applicable by means of management of rational use of natural and energetic resources. 
  • The minimization of the environmental impact, the encouragement to a purchase, use, management and control of the resources in a responsible way. 
  • The diffusion of our local culture by means of our gastronomy, image and decoration, products and services, tourist information and actions with the community.
  • The keeping of a permanent control of the products and services by our suppliers to ensure compliance with our policies.
  • The improvement of the effectiveness of our quality and sustainable management policies by means of quality and sustainability management.
  • The observance of a working environment that encourages our collaborators to feel part of the organization with an active and engaged participation, as well as achieving their personal happiness. 
  • The acceptance and dissemination that the compliance of the policies is to be taken by everyone in the hotel staff.Version 6 – September 2019


 Versión 06 – Septiembre de 2019

To get more information, please visit this link

Taking into account the extension of our gardens and committing that sustainability is the pattern to take care and maintain them, we are pleased to show you some projects that started in March 2019 and we are part of the programme “More green hotels”.

To get more information, please visit this link

Taking into account the extension of our gardens and committing that sustainability is the pattern to take care and maintain them, we are pleased to show you some projects that started in March 2019 and we are part of the programme “More green hotels”.

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